Trivium School三艺中学 马萨诸塞州私立高中交换生
Lancaster, MA
Ø Exchange Student Program交换生项目
(私立高中交换生) |
l 三艺中学建立于1979年,是一所独立的男女混合走读制学校;
l 全美天主教学校荣誉帮(Catholic Honor Roll)排名前10;
l 学校提供7到12年级天主教和经典文理学预备课程;
l 三艺中学不仅仅是一所学术机构,也是一个充满生机的学习社区。社区里还有很多学校组织的活动鼓励学生参加,包括爬山、舞会、讲座、滑雪旅行、音乐会、戏剧、音乐剧等;
l 学校虽然规模较小,但是每年毕业班都有一半进入普林斯顿大学、耶鲁大学、康奈尔大学等常青藤学校和卫斯理学院、明德学院等知名文理学院的学生; |
Terms学期 |
10-12个月 |
Faculty-Student Ratio
师生比例 |
高中学生数量 |
85 |
Admission Requirements
录取条件 |
申请表,财产证明表,成绩单,语言成绩SLEP 48分 。 |
费用(包含学费、寄宿家庭食宿费、健康保险) |
10个月费用(包含学费、申请费、项目费、10个月保险、SEVIS费、寄宿家庭补贴、邮寄费):咨询丁丁教育:400-668-4956; |
Nearby Attractions周边旅游,观光点 |
学校位于兰开斯特广阔而美丽的乔治亚人居住区,位于波士顿以西40英里。兰卡斯特在1653年被合并成为伍斯特郡最古老的一个镇。这里有亚特兰大联合学院、苹果园、农场、历史遗迹、鱼塘和花园,兰卡斯特是一个适合生活和工作的好地方。地区人口7,804人。 |
来自过去交换生的感言:A letter from Christian, from Denmark, who is attending there for 2012-2013.
After have been at Trivium for seven months and experienced a lot I will highly recommend Trivium for other foreign exchange students. Trivium will probably be very different from any other school you are used to and therefore an exceptional choice if you want to have "the time of your life" experience. The school contains just about 80 students which are very small compared to any other American high schools. Making friends is a very important part of your stay and the size of Trivium only makes it a lot easier for you to make new friends in a fast way.
From what I have heard it can be a hard time making new friends on a bigger high school because of all the new faces around all the time and it will be more difficult to make real friendships. At Trivium you will in a few weeks know the name of every student and after few months you will feel like a part of the "Trivium Family." The subjects/classes are very different and also their ways to teach which you have to get use to in the beginning. Expect therefore to spend a lot of time on doing homework because the grades are not easy giveaways just because you are foreign. But if you are an ambitious person who's willing to try something completely different, then Trivium is the right school for you."
马萨诸塞州私立交换生项目,详情咨询丁丁教育:400-668-4956; |